Monday 6 October 2014


I've never been much for blogging, I've always felt that if I wanted to consistently offend as many people as possible I'd simply wander through bus stations naked. My title's not even a real word. I'm terrible at this already.

But hey, the task has been set, the deed must be done, and I'm going to go ahead and apologise in advance. Sorry.

I was instructed to submit for a brief interrogation from a fellow student and subsequently publish my answers in my own writing, on my own blog, the exercise being intended to encourage us to get to know another member of the group. However having both completed the interview process and listened in to a few more, it's seems that we're mostly illiterate philistines, with a wantonly disproportionate amount of time being devoted to drinking vodka and playing video games.

The questions, and my answers:

1. What is the title of the book (fiction) that you are currently reading, or what is the title of the last fiction book you read?

     In keeping with my generation, I don't read much of anything anymore. As a child I read a truly ridiculous amount, mostly due to the fact that I had no access to other forms of entertainment (up to and including other humans) and partly to the wonderful, insane engine that is a child's imagination. These days I mostly enjoy a good bit of Warhammer (mostly 40k) universe fiction, as it's basically pulp fiction novellas, but with swords, lasers and a gratuitous amount of dismemberment. Some of them even have plots!

2. What is the title/topic of the book (non-fiction) you are currently reading, or what is the title/topic of the last non-fiction book you read?

    With a pathological need to disagree with everyone about everything compounding the above, I read even less non-fiction than fiction, unless you include Wikipedia articles and other similar short-form articles. Do Tesco receipts count? I have a copy of Rules Of Play, and have so far made it as far as the blurb, so I'm going to pretend that counts.

3. What is the last live performance (music, drama or dance) you attended?

    I went to a Busted concert when I was probably 10, and I don't want to talk about it.

4. What is the title of the last film you saw at the cinema / online or watched on DVD?

    The Spongebob Squarepants Movie. I'm entirely serious.

5. How often do you read a newspaper? (Which one? Online or physical)

    If I want to be beaten repeatedly with the Other People's Opinions Stick I'll go mention         immigration in the pub.

6. How many hours do you spend playing video games?

    Far too many. It's easier than going outside and trying to understand how people work or play tennis or whatever else people do with their time.

7. How many hours do you spend playing games other than video games?

    None, unless you count attempts to invent solo strip poker?

And I'm spent. The purpose of this article (as was instructed anyway) is to make a good first impression and I'm going to assume that's the case, hands clamped firmly over ears, ad infinitum.



  1. Hi Dom,

    After a promising and postively prolix preamable, the text soon took a turn for the terse with some rather short responses thereafter!

    It's good that you've got hold of a copy of Salen & Zimmerman's Rules of Play; as a games design student, you should find it relevant, useful and interesting once you get stuck in -- it's the kind of book you can dip-into anywhere; you don't have to start with the introduction and plod through each section in sequence.

    You might be surprised to discover that newspapers aren't just filled with xenophobic rants, celebrity-gossip and cross-promotional puff pieces for the proprietor's other interests. The Guardian, for example, contains a lot of games-related news, and reviews, and is also available online so you won't have to risk the shame of being seen walking around with a copy of an actual, physical, proper grown-up newspaper!

  2. Hi Dom,

    It looks like your blog hasn't been updated in a while.

    Don''t forget to click the orange "publish" button to make the new posts appear!
